Saturday, 4 January 2014

Hibernation and New Year Plans

My posts here are becoming a bit few and far between..... Sorry. I am planning on picking up properly again soon but at the moment the wild weather is rather keeping me in a semi-hibernation and out of the garden.

That said I have noticed one or two things. The first is the holly bushes I have in my new garden, these bushes come December are usually full of berries, this is to help support birds and small mammals through the hash winter. But this year the bush is empty and the same is true of the holly tree back at my old patch. Does this then mean a mild winter? Also as I put out fat balls weekly for the squadron of sparrows that visit my garden they are not going down as quick as they usually do, the birds mustn't be too concerned about building fat reserves then. So my best guess (better than the Daily Express anyway) is that it's probably gonna be a wet, windy but mild winter, not bad for wildlife.

Regarding my new years resolution my first was to break the plastic bag habit, there really is nothing worse than seeing a supermarket bag flying around in the wind or even worse, stuck in a tree for days/months on end. I've even dug them up in my old patch. Yuk! It benefits sea life too, it sickens me when I hear of whales found with a stomach full of rubbish or rescued turtles and dolphins caught up in plastic. So no I don't need a bag I've got a cotton one thanks ;-).

Next is simple I'm going to try and help my local wildlife even more, by planting insect friendly plants around my plots, hopefully adding a small pond and making some little hidy holes for mammals (or whoever wants to use em). I've seen foxes round the area on my late night and early morning drives so hopefully over the coming year I'll have more to report on these urban cuties. Oh then there's Bill. Bill is our resident squirrel, at the moment he's a little shy, I catch glimpses of him on my way to work, but back in Autumn he was out front searching for conkers so I threw him a few peanuts. I like Bill, even though I'm a big supporter of native species I guess round here is not ideal for reds anyway, Bill can stay.

                                                               Say hello to Bill!

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